BANAA Mentoring Program……
The vision for a Mentoring Program originated from conversations held on campus during the 2014 Reunion. We were inspired by the enthusiasm of the Burke County High School seniors who participated in many programs and activities …. one of which is the Joynt Productions Network (JPN) Leadership Program, under the direction of associate member and campus administrator, Jacqueline Bosby. These young ladies assisted with our fabulous on campus Museum Project presentation and ribbon cutting ceremony; and gracefully attended our needs, as luncheon hostesses. In addition they shared their talents with us through song, praise dance and introductions.
A Mentoring Committee was formed and The Mentoring Program made its debut January 1, 2015. The mentees presented us with their photos, biographies, contact information and expectations. The mentors responded with the same along with their objectives.
THIS IS WHAT THE YOUNG LADIES SAID THEY NEED!!!!! A Mentor should feel like a parent and a friend, be a good listener, provide positive solutions and guidance. They should be someone not afraid to tell us when we're wrong or acknowledge that they don't know everything. We need someone that is willing to help us find the answers. As teens looking at College choices, we need advice about the right classes, schedules and scholarships that may be available to us. We need help with preparing and gathering those needed letters including reference letters about our character and community service efforts. Most of all we need to know someone else cares about our future and want to lead us in the right direction for success.
Mentor/Mentee matches were made; an on campus workshop was held Saturday, February 28th, 2015; Mentors, along with our Vice President, Alonzo Smith, attended the Burke County High School Graduation May 24, 2015, where many of our Mentees graduated with honors; and a Mentee Graduation Celebration, in conjunction with the CSRA Chapter Annual Picnic, was held on campus July 18, 2015.
We are committed to maintaining a long-lasting relationship with our Mentees; providing loving care, guidance and support towards becoming successful young ladies……
Thank you for your support!