Message From Mr. Swanson:

It was so nice to get your email and I feel so honored by the BANAA gift to me. Ever since I left Boggs in the summer of 1969, I have constantly maintained that my wonderful students at Boggs taught me much more than I could have ever imparted to them. My 3 years at Boggs will always remain as the most satisfying and significant thing I ever did in my professional life. My years at Boggs were the only years I was a teacher but the impact on me have lasted a lifetime. The kind and heart-felt words that I received from my former students (and even from Boggs students before and after I was there) over the years since 1969, mean so very much to me.  They fill me with happiness and pride every day. I am so very glad I could have some small beneficial impact on the lives of so many extra-ordinary young men and women. To all the Boggs alumni, I thank you again for thinking about me and extending this nice gift of Lifetime BANAA Membership to me and all other teachers. It is most appreciated. I am hopeful I will be able to attend the next reunion. To all of my Boggs friends I say STAY WELL AND HAPPY AND NEVER STOP LEARNING.


Lifetime Members

Allen, Emily

Buckner, Vern

Davis, Clarence

Gooden, Melvin

Harrison, Ira

Johnson, Barbara

Lewis, McArthur

Lewis, Mollie

Nalls, Audie

Reid, Margaret

Swanson, Richardson

Williams-Rollins, Hazel

Young, Annette                

**Faculty Members, Dietitians, Librarians are Honorary Members       

    and not required to pay dues.
