Barbara Phillips Williams is a native of Soperton, Georgia. She is a proud graduate of Boggs Academy Class of 1968. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and Secondary Education in 1972 from Spelman College. After a stint of student teaching at Therrell High School in Atlanta, GA another career path was evident to her. Postgraduate education was pursued with the attainment of a Master’s Degree in Social Work in 1974 from the University of Michigan.
Barbara was gainfully employed for thirty eight years at the Department of Veterans Affairs as a clinical social worker at the VA Medical Center in Augusta, GA. Her desire to strive for personal and professional excellence motivated her not to settle for mediocrity. She achieved the highest state licensure (LCSW) to function as an independent practitioner and share her skills mentoring social work graduate interns and other social workers with the same aspirations. Colleagues elected her VA Social Worker of the Year numerous times, the most recent being in 2012. Professional affiliations include National Association of Social Workers, Association of Black Social Workers, Academy of Certified Social Workers, and Certified Case Manager in Health Care She recently retired January 1, 2013 from an esteemed career providing case management services to veterans and their families.
Barbara is civic minded and has the need to give back to others. For nine years she served on the Board of Directors at the Margaret J. Weston Health Care Center in Aiken and North Augusta, SC to ensure that indigent and uninsured community residents receive the health care services they were entitled to and deserved. Once again going beyond just the norm she completed board training and received certification from the national governing body. The distinction of Board Member of the Year was bestowed on her. Her mantra is “If I can help someone along life’s way, then my living will not have been in vain”. In 2014 her plans are to accept the call of duty once again and return to that board.
Her love for Boggs Academy is evident. She has been a long-standing dedicated member since the early years of the organization. She commits tireless numbers of hours to the Boggs Academy National Alumni Association and the CSRA, her local Chapter. Barbara has worn many hats in this association as warrior, supporter, advocate, and cheerleader. She has served as national recording and corresponding secretary for numerous years under several different presidents. She was the chairperson for the By Laws Committee for years, and today she is a member of the membership committee as well, and still continues to assist with any other area where she feels she can serve to advance the association. Barbara has truly been a loyal, faithful and dedicated member of the Boggs Academy National Alumni Association.
Barbara is married to Harold D. Williams, and has two sons-Christopher Nephi and Toyian. She is a member of the Old Storm Branch Baptist Church and works with the Youth and Women’s Ministries, Sunday School and is a Bible Study teacher. Just recently, in post retirement she began serving as Chairperson of the New Pastor Search Committee.
Barbara has gone beyond the call of duty serving others in her life through her work, church and community. Boggs Academy is so proud to have her as one of their members and to name her as their AMAZING 2013 Alumnus of The Year! Congratulations to Barbara! We salute YOU!